A Flock of Cabeese

I am simply waiting on decals for my heavy tool car to be completed, but I have a new project in the works. Vincent from Louisiana just sent me six Model Power bay window Cabeese and six sets of Micro-Trains caboose hand rails. These cars are a little rough from the factory due to the handrails and roofwalk, but are decent models of a SP C-40-6.

One of these has been disassembled and is soaking in 91% alcohol to strip the paint. I can not believe how thick their yellow paint over yellow plastic is.

Once all six cars are stripped, I will fill the holes in the roof and add better roofwalks and smoke stacks. I am also thinking about a diesel generator stack, and as soon as MTL reruns their SP C-50-9 caboose, a radio antenna and frog lights.

I thinking about backdating the paint of one of these to the 1951 paint scheme, two for the as built 1961 scheme and 3 in the 1981 rebuilt scheme…..


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