Man, it feels great to be building something again, and this going to be an interesting little switcher. I figure that this section will be a 30 minute section to switch.

Almost all track is laid

I have spent a bit of time with three Micro-Trains and Kay-Dee 40 foot box cars to make sure that they track well. I have also been playing around with structures, and I see the need to add an S curve. The track in front of the green structure is […]

Trackwork is doing well…

Yeah, I know, I have not done much with Playa Desnuda lately, but I think that I am going to build the first section, it can be used for either a room layout or a 12’x12′ shelf layout, either way, the desire to start building is getting strong…Here is what […]

I’m Not Dead Yet

As you may have seen in my last blog entry, Play Desnuda it coming to an end. As of now, all of the buildings, locos, freight cars and details have been put away, and only track exists…for now. Above is the first true work in progress track plan of Playa […]

Playa Desnuda 2.0…the adventure begins.

I have been kicking around the idea of scrapping the current layout, and starting over with a mostly new plan. As of right now, the Washington Street yard and the interchange is all that I plan on keeping, but on a new layout and shifted further forward to allow for […]

Rest in Peace Play Desnuda*