As you may have seen in my last blog entry, Play Desnuda it coming to an end. As of now, all of the buildings, locos, freight cars and details have been put away, and only track exists…for now.
Above is the first true work in progress track plan of Playa Desnuda 2.0. The Washington Street Yard and interchange is not really going to see any changes, however, behind it will be a hidden staging area that uses a switchback to get the new cars into the yard. The largest industry will still be Play Desnuda Shell, but I decided to move it back to the rear of the layout, and limit the number of spots to four. Smaus Wholesale and Petty Crate and Barrel will be moved up to the front at the crossing, with two and one spots, respectfully. Gallifrey Industries will be located towards the back corner with one or two spots, while D’Amato Lumber, a team track and an undecided industry will be located on the 12″x24″ extension, using a classic Ingelnook switching puzzle.
Again, this is currently a rough draft and very subject to change, and I am highly interested in peer criticism.
I had an idea, why not angle the mainline towards the front of the layout and put a bunch of DPM in the back corner? This would allow a 4″ radius loop for the Pacific Electric cars to run on. Perhaps I can find a system to allow the car to run every 5 minutes or so…this area is represented by the red and black areas…I also added in a couple of lines to represent the backdrops to hide the staging.