Monthly Archives: August 2019

The poles are 1/16th inch brass rod, and I am trying to figure out where to place the poles.  I am thinking about using standard single line poles on the east half near the shell depot and stringing yard style catenary on the west half be D’Amato Lumber and the freight station.  […]

Thoughts about poles…

My model of the Santa Monica freight station has been missing a major part of it for a few years, and I really think that I need to make this… Such a simple thing is a headache, I have been searching for about a year for the correct font, does […]

Here’s Your Sign

The name sounds like a bad Sci-Fi B Movie from 1953, but that is far from the truth. Substation 12 was located on the north side of the tracks, across from the Bellflower station. this substation was boarded up by the end of passenger trains in May, 1958, and survived […]

Substation 12…..