Monthly Archives: September 2011

So I got a new domain, The current URL of will still work March, so don’t worry about it failing soon. I have successfully converted the WordPress blog over to the new domain, I have gone through the database and all images are now resolving correctly. I have […]

new URL

So I have been scared to do a nose job, but wow, it was REAL easy!  The first thing I did was take a really sharp pencil to draw lines on the nos to have an idea for the area needed for the notch in the nose. I took a […]

GP35R Rhinoplasty

So yet again, a fellow N Scale modeler has supplied my with rare Southern Pacific detail parts. SP Wolf from the mailed me a GE nose light, a Southern Pacific GE roof Gyrolight and an EMD nose light package! U25B 6704  (early model, like the Atlas N Scale model, […]

another U Boat in the works