
Tonight, between 8:53 PM and 9:32 PM, my WordPress blog had 552 attepts to log into my admin user name and password. These 552 attempts resulted 184 IP addresses being blocked by my hosting account.  I am using a simple plugin called Limit Login Attempts. I am also running nightly […]

WordPress security

Just wanted to thank my friend Ashley for giving me this number board off of a Roseville Repaint SD40-T2! I now have a great piece of wall art! I am thinking about modeling this unit in N Scale

number board

So, sticking with the low buck theme on the Toltec  switching layout, I decided to recycle more parts of the original Ikea dresser. This time it is the drawer bottoms. I used three cans of spray paint to create my backdrop, and I think that I need to lower the […]

my first try at a backdrop

Today, I have made a roof out of styrene with 220 grit sandpaper glued to it, and I painted it with Velspar Blindfold. Here is just a test fit, I have added a few more roof supports. I am also building a partial floor for the center door with roof […]

more work on the warehouse