I’m Not Quite Dead Yet, In Fact, I Have New Motive Power!

Life. Don’t talk to me about life – Marvin The Paranoid Android

Well, I know that it has been a while since I last posted, my new layout room is still mostly painted and a lot has changed. One of the biggest changes is a new job. For the first time in MANY years, I am not working from home or only four days a week. I have also picked up a kitten, and will be bringing home a large amount of records and a classic car. Those are the highlights, and I am not going into the lowlights. Needless to say, life is interesting.

Last week, I ordered a pair of Kato Pocketline Steeplecabs. I have been thinking about these for a while, and I figured, why not?

There are a few things that I do not like, I want to swap out the pantographs with trolley poles, the paint is rather ugly, and I would like to convert the pair to DCC. I am also pondering the idea of wiring them together for 8 wheel pickup.

I repainted one loco black, like later Pacific Electric freight motors and the other red as they were delivered. I don’t have any decals that will work correctly.

More fun info, tonight I decided to run those little locos on my Unitram track, as much as I looked, I couldn’t find the power cords for my Kato Power packs….Interesting.

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