The new roundy-round is starting to take form. I have a 30″ door that has some damage. I am going to cover it with extruded foam that will also become the base of the scenery. I went through my hoard and found tunnel portals, a large amount of Woodland Scenics ground foam, trees and cinders. Add in an old Dimi Trains water tower, a Heljin sand house (need a tower) and a Peco turntable, I can wip up a decent layout quickly.
Some people have been vocal about my choice of using Atlas Code 80 track, but the main reason for this layout is for my daughter to have a place to run trains with minimal supervision. Using code 80 track will hold up to a 9 year old girl, and hopefully in 2 years, my son (with a lot of help from me). I drew this up with a minimum radius of 12.5″ and Atlas #6 Customlines. I used RTS10 and will be using flex track. The attached track plan shows an Atlas turntable, but will be the peco one that I have.