Two things….

Tonight I was able to create another tank out of 2″ ABS pipe couplers, styrene, and Clever Models textures…needing some sort of bridge, I took a part of the Walthers ADM grain elevator for a fitting…..

A few nights ago, I was digging through an old copy of Interurbans Special 37, Cars of Pacific Electric, Vol. III Combos, Locomotives & Non-Revenue Cars…this book has an incredible amount of Pacific Electric freight information. All PE freight locomotives and a lot of the Southern Pacific leased locomotives are in this book. There is also freight car rosters and a ton of drawings. I saw this plan, and I can not find any more references anywhere about them. The Pacific Electric actually had manure cars! I am sure they were not the sweetest cars in the fleet, but I have a weird desire to model one.

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