I currently have a fully functional N Scale switching layout that needs scenery and buildings. It is working great but I don’t seem to be switching trains as much as I thought that I would be. It seems like each time I operate the layout, I complete the exact same moves.
Recently a friend of mine rekindled my love for steam and sent me a wood engine house kit that I really enjoyed putting together. Now I am thinking about building a hollow core door layout (I have a damaged 30 inch door) layout that can be set in the 1950’s until 1980 with a few changes in details. I have enough flex track, and I have a pair of left #4 Atlas Customline and a pair of left #6 Customline switches not in use. If I scrap the current switching layout I will have another pair of left #6 Customlines and three #6 right Customlines. My original idea was to connect the two layouts together, but with the lack of Atlas switches, I don’t know how to do so without using Peco track.
I have been holding off on buying Peco switches due to the different tie spacing.