Thinking about scrapping the layouts…

I am seriously thinking about scrapping both of the layouts and going a new modelling direction. I am thinking about building a 12″ x 192″ layout that well be a simple, long switching layout. This new layout will be a fictitious Pacific Electric branch with a small yard. I am going to be basing it on the recently resurrected Santa Monica Air Line.

My plan is to build a layout that can be either 1953 or 1985 with just a few changes. The reasons for basing this possible new layout on the Santa Monica Air Line is that passenger service was discontinued in 1953, and I have good photos of the freight station and a large lumber supply company, both good revenue suppliers in 1953.

Add in a few more warehouses and an oil supplier, there will be a good mix of industries to switch. I have also seen pictures of an Erie gondola, a Frisco boxcar, and a Texas and Pacific boxcar. The variety is going to be interesting, and it will also give me a good excuse to collect more Southern Pacific flat cars and lumber loads from my favorite pusher, Micro Trains. I really wish that I would have bought the Micro Trains MUG runner set last year….

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