Scratch built N Scale interlocking tower

Just like my obsession with the freight station that started me down the path of modeling the Pacific Electric in N Scale, the Pacific Electric interlocking towers got stuck in my mind.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a kit in N Scale that matches the prototype. 

Fortunately, there are plans for a basic interlocking tower, just move some windows and doors around..

Scratch built N Scale interlocking tower part 1
Scratch built N Scale interlocking tower part 2
Scratch built N Scale interlocking tower part 3

I built this using Evergreen 0.020″ V Grove siding with 0.040″ spacing, Grandt line windows and doors, Plastastruct stairs and handrails, and finally the roof of a Micro Trains box factory.

Scratch built N Scale interlocking tower

This tower is a generic tower and has parts from many that existed.

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