d’oh!!!! I forgot the camera…. 4

So today, as I do EVERY night I work, I drove past the Arizona Railway Museum, but today, I saw white diesel smoke coming out of the yard. I pulled into their lot, ran in to hear the distinctive burble of a Baldwin diesel. I was offered the chance to climb up into the cab, and of course I took the chance, after about 15 minutes of enjoying the cab ride, I was informed that it was my turn next…scratch one off the list, I got to move Magma Arizona Railroad Baldwin DRS-6-6-1500 back and forth for about 5 minutes, it amazes me how easy it really is to operate a diesel locomotive in a yard in a controlled environment. Being in a working yard, or on the mainline would be a different experiance…I was a little kid again, even for just 5 minutes.

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